FAUNA E-news 2014:11 |
In the spotlight |
F.A.U.N.A. awarded 2014 St. George Bank Community Award (QLD) |
We are pleased to announce that F.A.U.N.A. was awarded the Environmental & Sustainable Champions Award at the St. George Bank 2014 Community Awards (QLD) in early November.
St. George hosted a spectacular awards night dinner in Brisbane and Julie Z, her partner Chris, Sue Holmes and Jacqui Blanch were in attendance to see if our position as a finalist for the award would turn into a win on the night.
In a very exciting development for F.A.U.N.A., we were announced as the winners on the night.
Julie Zyzniewski and Sue Holmes collected the award and Julie Z. gave a wonderful acceptance speech which highlighted our co-founder Mike Holmes and his contribution to making F.A.U.N.A. the organisation it is today.
Apart from highlighting the contribution F.A.U.N.A. makes to the community and giving us added credibility as a professionally run charity, this award comes with a $2000 community grant from St. George bank which will help F.A.U.N.A. continue to operate in the coming year.
We would like to thank St. George for their generosity and belief in the work we do. |
Birdwing Butterfly Project |
Whilst the St. George community awards were a successful night for F.A.U.N.A. and other organisations that won an award on the night, there were other groups and charities there who missed out on the kudos and the grants. F.A.U.N.A. was one of two finalists nominated on the night in our category and unfortunately, the Birdwing Butterfly Project (represented by Declan Cavanagh) missed out on the much needed funding. Therefore, we thought it would be appropriate to give them a showcase here and ask you to think of them, the next time you are donating to a charity cause.
On the 9th and 16th of August 2013, 20 student volunteers from the Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology participated in the sustainable project. After a long period of time and many attempts to receive sponsorship, AECOM sponsored the project. It was a great relief to know that a large multinational corporation had understanding and value for the natural environment and the importance of creating a sustainable way to overcome the threat of extinction for the Richmond birdwing butterfly.
The project was set in the Toowong creek catchment, where the climate is appropriate. Over 60 vines were planted in total on both Friday afternoons, which is a great achievement. Thank you to AECOM for the financial and motivational support for the project. As a result of all the support, the Richmond Birdwing Butterflies can be saved, one step at a time. The future of the project is looking bright and plans to continue within the biome to help support the butterflies.
If you wish to support this ongoing project in any way, you can contact Declan on [email protected] |
South East Queensland Eastern Grey Kangaroo Conservation Project
from the University of the Sunshine Coast |
The South East Qld Eastern Grey Kangaroo conservation project aims to develop a better understanding of the conservation status of Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) in South East Queensland.
While the Eastern Grey Kangaroo is an historically abundant species in the region, due to habitat loss and increasing urbanisation, many populations have undergone decline and there is no sound estimate of the rate of change in populations, particularly in coastal areas. |
As part of the project, the University is collecting and compiling data on eastern grey kangaroo occurrence and abundance. They are also collecting data on threats to kangaroo populations, which include data on the injury and death of eastern grey kangaroos, via wildlife hospital records, road kill records, etc.
Community input is an essential aspect of wildlife conservation and the University has designed a quick online survey to allow people to share their experiences with Eastern grey kangaroos in South East Queensland.
Please take the time to complete the survey and tell us where and when you have seen kangaroos in your region. Every piece of information helps and your response would be much appreciated. Here is a link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3D6KYYK |
Upcoming F.A.U.N.A. events |
Christmas Lunch 2014 |
F.A.U.N.A. will be having its annual Christmas get together on Saturday 13 December 2020 from 12 noon.
Once again, we will be holding this event at Porter’s Plainland Hotel on the front veranda.
Food and drink is at your own cost.
If you wish to attend, please contact the Secretary, Sue Holmes on [email protected] or 07 5466 4144 to reserve a seat. |
F.A.U.N.A. updates |
What’s been happening with our fur/feather babies? |
As most of us are aware it is possum season and they are coming in thick and fast. If anyone can help with possums, please let Sue know because the RSPCA is calling looking for carers for possums. Any help is appreciated.
There has been a lot of rednecks in the Woodlands road area hit with tiny little jellybeand in their pouches, it’s heartbreaking, if only we could save them all.
The Bat colony at Laidley has picked up numbers as they are coming from the Gatton colony and most had bubs when Shona went to have a look. We hope we don’t have another heat stress day for the poor bats.
If you find injured bats, let Sue know and she will send the appropriate people. |
Around the traps |
Short Beaked Echidna Workshop (presented by Trish LeeHong)
Wrapup from Pam Dingle |
After attending the recent workshop on November 1, I felt it would be worthwhile to give a brief general coverage of what we learnt.
Echidnas are known to have emerged around 15 million years ago. They are known as monotremes which means a mammal which both lays eggs and suckles its young. The short-beaked echidnas are widely distributed throughout mainland Australia living in all types of habitats.
Description: 30-45cm long, 2.5-7kg, no obvious neck, small eyes, no external ear, long tongue, small tail, fine to course hair.
Echidnas have highly developed sight with extremely sensitive hearing and smell. Their diet consists of ants, termites and their larvae.
Newly hatched echidnas are generally called "puggles". The puggle has two distinct stages of development. Pouch life and burrow life. Pouch life consists of a moist stage (0-14 days) and a dry stage (approx.14-50 days). Burrow life sees the puggle remaining in the burrow until approximately 7 months old when weaning occurs. The puggle is fully independent upon weaning.
The workshop was much more detailed but I hope this gives you a little insight into the short nosed echidna.
Thank you to Trish LeeHong for taking time out of her busy schedule to deliver this highly informative presentation. |
Erika’s babies update |
These two baby Rainbow Lorikeets started as 2 little eggs found in a tree hollow at a development site in the Brisbane area where land was being cleared.
Rod Crawford was the Fauna Spotter at the site and he wrapped the eggs in a soft rescue pouch and put them in the car with windows partly down to keep them warm until Julie Z came to pick them up. Julie took them home and put them in her incubator, where they hatched a couple of days apart. She then handed them over to Erika Crawford. They spent their first two weeks in an incubator to be kept warm at the required temperature. By three weeks they were covered in fluffy down feathers and put in a pet pack with soft warm blankets. At 4 weeks they were put in a cage inside still with blankets, so there is more room for them to walk around and flap their wings. Also at 4 weeks, they now have purple feathers on their heads and orange feather just starting to come through on their chests.
They are very easy to feed and are on hand raising mix with a little Lorikeet powder mixed in, a little honey water, and will now start to be introduced to some fruit and greens. They are typical Lorikeets as they are very vocal, and start as soon as they hear Erika’s voice, so they were named Squeak and Squawk.
Squeak and Squawk will be released into the wild when they are ready.There is a large flock of both Rainbow and Scaly-Breasted Lorikeets visit the Crawford property every day, so hopefully they will go with the flock. As they grow Erika will take more picture so we can see the development stages to a fully grown bird.
If you know of anyone who is interested in birds, please encourage them to join F.A.U.N.A. as we desperately need bird carers. |
Carers’ Corner |
Dehydration in our native animals |
We are experiencing some very warm day and it’s only confirming to us that we are in for a hot summer. Can we please think of our poor wildlife in this heat and leave water out for them.
It doesn’t need to be a huge bucket. I could be as simple as planter saucers and shallow dishes for birds and cut open barrels make great troughs for mammals. |
Plant of the month
Eucalyptus Ptychocarpa (Swamp or Spring Bloodwood) |
8-15 metres
Brushtail Possums Ringtail Possums, Gliders, Flying Foxes and Birds
Frost tolerant, drought tolerant once established.
Flowers in spring, summer and autumn. |
Fauna Hire Equipment |
If you require aviaries, roo pens or other equipment, then please ask Sue Holmes. We have some which you can lease for a refundable deposit of $50 and if you would like to buy them off Fauna, we are happy to look into the value and come up with a good price. We charge a hire deposit now as items have often not been returned when people leave the group. Please remember that if you hire them, they must come back and if they don’t, you will be charged for that equipment. |
History Sheets |
Please remember to fill out history sheets and hand to Sue Holmes at the end of each year so we can keep accurate records of the wildlife our group cares for and what happens to that wildlife.
If you don’t have a history sheet, please login to the member’s portal and download one here…
If you do not have (or have forgotten) your login details, please email Jacqui on [email protected] and she will assist you. |
Fun Facts |
What do we call animals when there is more than one? |
Doves: a flight
Frogs: an army
Bees: a swarm
Finches: a charm
Ravens: an unkindness
Jellyfish: a smack
Quail: a bevy |
Crows: a murder
Owls: a parliament
Turtles: a bale
Eagles: a convocation
Squirrels: a dray/scurry Possums: a passel/posse
Ducklings: a safe |
Let’s go shopping |
Wombaroo Pinky Pouch Oil |
Teats |
A lubricant for furless joeys designed to help with the skin care of joeys orphaned and in human care.
It helps to keep the skin soft and supple and ease peeling due to heating and exposure to the environment when the Joey would normally still be in the pouch.
Non greasy and safe to be ingested. WPP Oil contains no petroleum or paraffins which may have a laxative effect. Made entirely from oils of plant origin and classified food safe. It is an oil that is naturally present in the milk of several species (e.g. rabbits, goats, horses and human breast milk).
BENEFITS: Rapidly absorbs into skin to form a protective barrier; softens and soothes skin; lubricates by reducing friction against the pouch liner; does not contain moisture so is not prone to microbial or fungal growth; completely free of synthetic preservatives.
Available in 250gram bottles from www.wombaroo.com.au |
Silicone: Baby Critter Teats
View on Facebook
Phone 07 4789-0573
Silicone: Burston Blues
Email [email protected]
Mobile 04 2972 7837
Various: Australian Wildlife Supplies
Email [email protected]
Phone 07 5426 8088
Mobile 0417 749 501 |
Possum boxes |
Kathy Silk
Phone 07 5465 6935 or Mobile 0410 334 661
$25.00 per box |
Rodents |
The Rat Shed
Phone 07 5424 6519 |
Milk formula |
Native plants |
Gatton Produce (E.M Redmonds & Co P/L)
Phone 07 5462 1139
Divet $24-00 per kilo and has most other formulae on hand |
Pete’s Hobby Nursery
10 Patrick St, Lowood QLD 4311
Phone 07 5426 1690 or Mobile 0412 243 740 |
Show us the money |
Crowd funding a food bank |
Don’t forget our crowd funding campaign to raise money for a food bank which will supply formula, teats, etc. to F.A.U.N.A. carers. We have set a goal for this campaign of $5000.
Please visit our campaign, donate if you can, defiinitely share it far and wide with your family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances across any social media channels you play in http://www.gofundme.com/f859u8 |
Ways to engage with F.A.U.N.A. |
E-news contributions |
F.A.U.N.A. will be issuing electronic newsletters each month. Each edition will be full of events, information and tips for wildlife carers. Every three months, the E-news will include the quarterly reports from the committees and registers.
If you have an article, item or tip you would like to see in the E-news, please send it to Shona Ford on [email protected] before the end of each month or call her on 04 5948 4938 to arrange an article. If you think you will be a regular contributor, please contact the Webmaster, Jacqui Blanch on [email protected] or call her on 07 5465 6190 to arrange direct upload access. |
Road Kill |
Please keep a register of road kill and send this information to Sue as this helps us to determine where animals are crossing, where the high fatality areas are and also which species are most at risk. Remember to check for live joeys.
This information is sometimes requested by Councils and Government Authorities and can be helpful in promoting the protection of wildlife and also in raising funds for grass roots volunteer organisations such as ourselves. |
The fine print |
Disclaimer |
The statements and information contained in this publication have no legal status and are provided purely for the interest and benefit of F.A.U.N.A. members to assist members in their decision making processes. This information is for guidance only and should not be relied upon to the exclusion of obtaining professional or first hand advice. No liability can be accepted for any error or omission by the publisher, editor, contributors, officials of or the Association as an entity. Fostercare of Australia’s Unique Native Animals Association Inc. (F.A.U.N.A.) does not specifically endorse any of the products described in this newsletter, but provides the information as a service to its members. F.A.U.N.A. hereby expressly disclaims all liability of any kind whatsoever for any loss, damage or other consequence which may arise from any person using the products or information detailed in this E-Newsletter. |
© 2014 F.A.U.N.A. ABN 24 274 942 904 |