Welcome to F.A.U.N.A.
F.A.U.N.A. is a dedicated group of people who care for sick, injured and orphaned native australian animals.
This site will give you some insight of what F.A.U.N.A. does and also has some information on most of the Queensland animals that F.A.U.N.A. cares for.
Find out about endangered fauna in the Queensland area, find out what to do in an emergency situation by visiting the emergency procedures page.
If you would like to know more about being a carer or volunteer, apply for membership now!
Ways To Keep Wildlife Safe …
- Keep native vegetation on your block. They are food, shelter and nesting sites for wildlife, hollows in trees are particularly important.
- Plant native trees and shrubs to form wildlife corridors to link up with bushland and parks.
- Do not use, or try to restrict the use of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and creosote in your garden, wildlife can be affected or poisoned by these chemicals.
- Observe wildlife from a distance, animals can become distressed and injure themselves.
- Drive slowly and carefully at night, many of our native animals are nocturnal.
- Carry a towel, blanket, sack or box in your car, in case you encounter injured wildlife on the road.Call a wildlife carer as soon as possible.
- Teach your children to love and appreciate all wildlife and the environment.
- Be a responsible pet owner, dogs and cats cause injury and death in many of our wildlife species.
- If you have a pool, attach a rope to a post or tree by the side of the pool and place the end in the water to help animals climb out.
Emergency Rescue SE QLD
Call +61 7 5424 6055